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The 37 Best Websites to Learn Something New Forget schools, long days in a classroom, and pitifully poor results. There are actually websites that cover science topics, art topics, and technology topics. They'll teach you anything from making hummus to building apps in Node.js for free. Obviously, you'll have to earn a degree from a traditional school to get a job at Google. But you don't have to do it in the traditional way. These websites will teach you things that traditional universities can't or won't. 1. Udacity, [URL], [URL] [ADD AN ENTRY] 2. MIT Open Courseware [URL], [URL] [ADD AN ENTRY] 3. Code School, [URL], [URL] [ADD AN ENTRY] 4. The Khan Academy [URL], [URL] [ADD AN ENTRY] 5. Coursera, [URL], [URL] [ADD AN ENTRY] 6. edX, [URL], [URL] [ADD AN ENTRY] 7. Udemy, [URL],.[/LIST][ATTACH=full]http://www.37bestwebsites. com/the-37-best-websites-to-learn-something-new[/ATTACH] [IMG][/IMG] [B]The 37 Best Websites to Learn Something New[/B] Forget schools, long days in a classroom, and pitifully poor results. There are actually websites that cover science topics, art topics, and technology topics. They'll teach you anything from making hummus to building apps in Node.js for free.[ATTACH=full] png[/ATTACH] Obviously, you'll have to earn a degree from a traditional school to get a job at Google. But you don't have to do it in the traditional way. These websites will teach you things that traditional universities can't or won't.[ATTACH=full][/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]http://www.37bestwebsites. com/the-37-best-websites-to-learn-something-new[/ATTACH][IMG]http://www.37bestwebsites. eccc085e13